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Writer's pictureJahnavi Sehgal

Werkhouse 2022 experience

An amazing opportunity and experience held by Werkhouse, in which Taxi Studio in Bristol allowed us participants to utilize their design studio for the weekend. The experience allowed designers to gain an insight into the design industry. whilst networking with professionals alongside working in a team to generate ideas towards a real life brief from a client. Our client was Penny Brohn UK (a national charity providing free care and support for those affected by cancer). Visit more about Penny Brohn: Bristol Whole Life Approach | Penny Brohn UK

Once assigned our group brief, we divided into smaller teams, I was in Team Yellow. The aim was to tackle the brief in a unique way which would resonate and reflect the background of Penny Brohn and to encourage more diversity and youth whilst sparking creativity. As a team, we worked together forming and sharing ideas that potentially could be elongated further into stronger outcomes. Once brainstormed our visions, we narrowed down the best ideas which presented a more coherent pathway of the direction as a team we wanted to discover. After branching out further one main idea into many routes, we worked how to present our proposal to the client and how to navigate ourselves through presenting the overall idea. Our presentation involved identifying the problem, showcasing the main idea and it's avenues that would solve the problem. The client was impressed at our proposal and even she resonated to our main theme which very exciting to hear.

The client went round to all teams and as we did to listen to their outcomes. The client would then go back to the senior with everyone's accumulated ideas and present to them. Our part as a group was to generate the ideas for the client for them to take away and work from there.

Overall, the experience individually allowed me to navigate myself in a professional manner whilst working with a real-life client alongside in a team. Another aspect I discovered as personal growth was an extra boost in my confidence levels whilst networking and presenting to a wider audience alongside professionals within the design industry. Speaking to the professionals in person ensured me to hear their personal journey within the design field, which inspired me a lot and will definitely be taking their advises and stories in my own development journey. Communicating with other participants in the group was great as I explored their disciplines and interests. Working in the Taxi Studio environment I enjoyed immensely because it was a relaxing, spacious ambience to connect with whilst working on the brief in my team.

Thank you to everyone involved within this experience and was a pleasure to be selected and would definitely recommend anyone to join the experience!

Find out more about my experience at Werkhouse 2022 below.

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